4 public pool activities that can attract more customers

People no longer come to a public pool just to swim. Swimming may still be the main attraction, but these days, many pools are offering other activities. Why? To draw new customers and boost turnover. We’ve come up with four smart ideas for public pool activities. Are you ready to dive in?
Public pools used to be purely for swimming and sport. Not any more. Today, more and more organizations are embarking on exciting renovation projects to make their pools more fun or focused on wellbeing. The idea is to modernize to beat growing competition – and at the same time appeal to a broader audience (e.g. tourists) by expanding the pool’s offer. Thierry Prat, Director of pools in Rennes, France, spoke to us about this diversification at the Piscine Global Europe trade show.
Wellbeing, health, leisure: let’s see what the pool world has in store…
Aquayoga – the latest trend for public pools?
Following the aquafitness craze comes aquayoga – a new wellbeing activity that’s already well established in Great Britain, especially in London’s public pools, and in the Paris-based l’Atelier Mood. Yoga is the ideal relaxation activity. And the benefits of water-based exercise don’t need to be explained. The idea is to combine the two to create the ultimate relaxation session. Yoga poses have been adapted for an aquatic environment and designed to build balance, muscles and breathing. In London, this new activity has proved very popular with mums-to-be in search of relaxation.
Read also: What’s the outlook for the wellness industry?
Watch a film…in the water
On 18th September 2016, the citizens of the french city of Strasbourg were literally plunged into the movie Jaws. Comfortably seated on giant inflatables, they watched this famously frightening film in the public pool. The event was part of the Festival du Film Fantastique, held in partnership with the town. Following the overwhelming success of this aquatic cinema session, the town has decided to repeat the experience. It has to be said that there’s no shortage of shark movies available. Perhaps you’d prefer to show films dealing with pools after all?!
That’s slippery! Water slides and flumes
Install a water slide or chute and you’ll be slipping into a major trend – and attracting a serious crowd! Although we’re more used to seeing them in private water parks, water slides are becoming increasingly common in public pools, such as the one in Commentry, France. Its water chute, open throughout the holiday season, attracts visitors of all ages. Outdoor water games can also be profitable!
Underwater diving…in a public pool?
Yes, it’s possible – and it could be a great idea. After all, not everyone is lucky enough to live near the coast. Some pools, like Heerenduinen pool in Amsterdam, Holland, give customers the possibility to take diving lessons and even pass their exams in the pool. Students can discover the language used in diving, the equipment and how it works, all in a safe, controlled environment before doing it for real, out in the ocean. With qualified instructors present, diving can be enjoyed by anyone from the age of eight upwards. The two deepest diving pools in the world also just opened!
What spa animations can you organize to be different?
In his interview, Thierry Prat confided that he’d come to “learn about innovations in France and Europe.” If you want to be inspired by the latest public pool activities, come and see us at the next Piscine Global trade show!
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