Be renewed ? The renovation … a promising and favorable market !

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Zoom in on this booming sector through the testimony of key players in the sector to which the renovation is part of their global supply.

Thousands of tanks are to be renovated, a wealth of work for professionals, an important market that continues to grow.

In recent seasons, the renovation markets may represent substantial budgets also that new projects.

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“Integrating the new construction and other offers”

François Grillard, Vice President Federation of Professionals in the Pool

“Since 2008, year of global recession, establishments construction of pools saw their backlog melt quickly. In this context, they are interested in a package deal as some already have done so for many years, and integrate new construction and other offers such as upgrades, Service, additional equipment and the welfare sector related to water. The renovation is often seen as a simple change of membrane liner or armed, modernization of materials. Yet, just be force of proposition to customers to revisit the pool A to Z and stick to the trends of the moment that offers pools construction “.

“Giving a facelift and integrate new products”

Vanessa Serieis, Directrice Marketing chez Magiline

“The owners want to modernize their swimming pool, give it a facelift and integrate new products. Renovation we offer at Magiline door on changing liner, the filtration, modifying a staircase and the establishment of simplifying cleaning tools or the management of the pool. Many of our customers PRAISE iMAGI, a tool that allows you to have control and self-management of the pool through an integrated system of automated processing for controlling the pH and chlorine dosing “.

“It can also be a reconstruction”

Gerard Benielli, co-founder of Diffazur

“The renovation can be a makeover, improvements such as a new decoration, recoating but it can also be a reconstruction in the case of change of ownership, for example. We have two types of renovations. The pools brand, rather the request concerns a change in color of coating, curbstone, sometimes reconstructing shape within a pool of different form with less than this there are deep “.

“The aesthetics premium equipment to replace”

Gilles Mouchiroud Commercial Director Desjoyaux

“There are some years, we change only the liner, now takes into account the particular landscape pool environment, the development of the outdoor area to provide a more friendly and welcoming space […] They prefer a smaller, shallower pool and bring a lot of importance to new trends materials : floors less slippery, LED lightning inside / outside, gray coating … The aesthetics premium equipment to replace or add in and around the pool “

“There is no limit to dreams and imagination”

François Grillard, Vice-President of the Federation of Professionals in the Pool

“Everything is taken into consideration when proposing a renovation to a particular : the mode, Welfare, the pleasure of the eye and sustainable development. A renovation project can take into account the automation, automation, regulating water treatment, the stairs or seat comfort, appliances for better energy savings, shelter … “.

On the community side, the park must also face aging pools and must continuously meet the expectations of the general public but also the standards are constantly evolving.

The functional aspect with premium quality innovative products and systems for the energy savings and sustainable development.

The renovation, “One of the major changes coming to maintain the level of activity of our institutions, direction to take for the future ! » selon François Grillard.


Download the "Renovation" booklet of the fpp here 


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