Buying a swimming pool: what questions do customers ask?

Homeowners who are thinking of buying a swimming pool always have LOTS of questions, and “What kind of swimsuit should I wear for my first dip?” won’t be top of the list. Some of them are crucial, and the professionals need to have outline answers up their sleeves at the very least. These are the most important ones!
1/ What type of pool should I choose?
Above-ground, concrete, panels, one-piece… nowadays potential pool buyers can choose between a host of options. So many, in fact, that customers may feel a bit lost. It’s essential for the salesman to gain a complete understanding of their needs and wants, and their available budget. That means taking the time to talk to them and ask them questions… to figure out both what they want and what they can afford!
2/ Where should I install my pool?
This is a very practical question, indicating that a potential customer is already thinking about taking the plunge and buying. Important factors include choosing a location that gets plenty of sun from first thing in the morning, is not overlooked to ensure privacy, is not too close to children’s play areas, etc.
3/ For how much of the year will I use my pool?
That obviously depends on the region and the climate. Generally speaking, pools get used from May to September, with an obvious peak in July and August when the weather is hottest and the family is on holiday. It is worth pointing out to customers that the best time to build a pool is between autumn and spring, so that they can start making the most of it from the first year and as soon as the weather warms up!
4/ How much will having a pool cost me?
Naturally that depends on the type. Nevertheless, it is important for pool professionals to point out that digging a hole for a decent-sized pool is a job for the specialists… and they come at a price!
5/ Why will my property tax go up?
This is another highly practical question that customers ask: why should I have to pay higher taxes on top of investing money in the pool in the first place? The answer is simple: adding a pool to a property increases its taxable value — as well as its market value. Your house will be worth more, but you will have to pay more tax for the privilege of having a pool to enjoy!
6/ How does this filter pump work? Is it better than this other one?
Although technical questions show a customer is interested, answering them won’t necessarily result in a sale. They could even result in you losing the customer, if he ends up deciding to buy a motorhome “because it’s simpler”. So what’s the solution? Bring him back to dreaming about his pool. Offer personalised solutions to meet his needs. In short – help him to fast-forward into the future!
7/ Is my pool fitter reliable? Is he fully insured? Will he comply with all the standards?
Naturally, the answer to all these questions is the same: “Yes, of course!” But you have to prove it. To help you do so, the French Federation of Pool Professionals (FPP) has created a quality label called Propiscines, “demonstrating the specialist professionals’ commitment and expertise in serving their customers”. Professionals who undertake to abide by the principles behind this quality label sign a charter and follow a training module supplied by the FPP. In particular, they hold civil liability and ten-year “pool builder’s/fitter’s” insurance — and can provide a certificate proving it at their customers’ request. The Propiscines quality label is an invaluable means of demonstrating your reliability to a potential customer!
8/ How should I maintain my pool?
The role played by the pool salesman extends into the long term. Be ready to reassure your customers by answering questions about maintenance right from the start of the sales process!
Many thanks to Joëlle Pulinx Challet, managing director of the Fédération des professionnels de la piscine, for her invaluable hep. For further information on the Propiscines quality label, please contact Stéphane Gozlan at +33 (0)1 53 04 31 65.