Around the pool: 4 outdoor amenities to create a special atmosphere

Designing an exceptional pool means thinking of the amenities around the pool, in order to make it a living space in its own right. The outdoor area, the link between the pool, the garden and the house, must combine conviviality, aesthetics and comfort. But what sort of amenities should you opt for? Here are a few examples to inspire you.
Open air or shaded by a gazebo
No construction work needed: in the blink of an eye, it's all installed! You're guaranteed a cozy effect with an outdoor living space right by the pool, which can be moved or modified whenever you feel like it. A simple gazebo to protect you from the sun is the quickest and least complicated solution to put in place.
The pool house as living space…
There's nothing better than a pool house to create a unique atmosphere, perfectly integrated with your surroundings. The pool is transformed into a real extension of the house or building thanks to its durable structure and resistance to adverse weather conditions. Need more inspiration? Discover 5 exceptional pool house designs!
Go to the bar without leaving the pool
Integrated within the pool, the pool bar allows you to enjoy refreshments without leaving the water. This solution is very popular with hotels as it gives their clients a bathing experience out of the ordinary. When the temperature goes up, the pool bar, fun and convivial, definitely increases drink sales!
An unusual view of the pool
Why shouldn't the living space nestle right IN the pool? This luxury amenity has plenty to offer. Exclusive hotels and complexes will love the idea of an outdoor space that's constructed as part of the pool, and which guarantees an exceptional experience!
Coupled with a space for relaxation, the pool maximizes the power of any establishment to attract visitors. Don’t have room to install a dual pool and living space? What about a mini-pool instead?
Photo credit: Pixabay / Holgi