The best way to inform people about public pool renovation

Whether upgrading or modernizing communal pools, the time comes when renovations are required to bring maximum comfort to swimmers. So people don't drift away while this work's being done, it is essential to communicate well during every step of the public pool renovation process.
Also read: What rules to follow when draining pools
Upstream – keep everyone posted
You can’t just plunge straight into renovation work. The magic word during a period of transition is communication!
- Before closing the gates of the pool, it's important to take everyone's different needs into consideration. The preparation stage is the ideal time to consult with them about what they want. You could introduce a questionnaire to get their opinions, allowing you to keep updated on people's real needs.
- Equally, you could set up a committee of users, who would closely follow every step of the project. A close exchange of views at this stage is vital so you can check that plans and expectations are going to match up.
- From young children to senior citizens, from top class athletes to Sunday swimmers, and from school groups to families – not forgetting people with reduced mobility – public is very diversified. That's why it's so important to be able to get everyone's attention.
'Teasers' during the public pool renovation
If you don't want regular and occasional pool users drifting away before the reopening, it's really important to communicate well while work's going on. And above all, to excite expectation and to stir curiosity.
- To avoid any confusion or misunderstandings, clearly show the date of the reopening on the front of the pool building and get an announcement into the local paper.
- On the homepage of your website, add a few words explaining the reasons that have led to your pool renovation.
- Social media networks are also very useful for communicating directly with your public. If you have a Facebook page, put up photos of the work taking place, and 'teasers' about the reopening: what the upcoming activities are going to be, what will be new, what the improvements are going to be.
Short of ideas? Here are 4 activities you can propose to your public!
- So that swimmers aren't left in the dark, organize a public meeting to present the project and respond to any questions.
- Also be aware of the obligations you'll need to meet. For example, French law calls for on-site signs detailing work dates, the name of the principal carrying out the work, the firms involved and the building permit.
These requirements differ from country to country, so we strongly advise asking the relevant authorities directly. |
Communicating the swimming pool reopening
The time to unveil your brand new swimming pool has finally arrived. But, so that people actually come in and get into their swimming costumes, the reopening has to be well communicated.
- Don't hold back on sharing the good news – on social media, in the papers and on the wall of the pool building. If you have a database, send an email or a newsletter!
- To help get people coming back, organize a fun event for the pool reopening.
- The people who work there will be the first ones affected by the changes. It's therefore really important to make time to ensure your team is up to speed on any new equipment, their own roles and how best to welcome the public.
So that pool users come in as before following a public pool renovation, it's best to keep them informed every step of the way. If they feel you've had their best interests at heart throughout, the public will be much more willing to come back and do their laps at your pool!
Many thanks to Stéphane Chemin, Head of Sports and Youth Projects in the town of Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon (France) for his contribution.
Photo credit: Freepik / Jannoon028