Find the right arguments to recruit new pool professionals to your company
The sector is doing a lot to promote pool trades, but companies can apply even more pressure by presenting better their pool job offers.

How can pool companies convince young people to join the trade and attract trained professionals looking to change jobs? The sector is already doing a lot to promote pool trades, but companies can apply even more pressure by presenting better their pool job offers. FPP Marketing and Communications Director Grégory GERARD ran a webinar at Piscine Connect 2021 to review the best arguments when it comes to pool professional recruitment.

More and more pool jobs are available but candidates are scarce
According to a poll of 121 French pool companies in 2020, 82% had recruitment problems – lack of job applications as well a lack of demands from qualified or experienced personnel and a general ignorance about the trades involved in pool building. The pool jobs for which people are needed are:
- M/F pool technicians (69.1%)
- M/F pool builders and installers (40%)
- M/F liner installer (22.7%)
- M/F representative, sales person, shop assistant (20.9%)
- M/F clerk of the works (7.3%)
- M/F laborer (2.7 %)
Due to a spectacular market growth, 9 out of 10 pool companies envisage recruitment. So the jobs are there. But how can we make them attractive?
Arguments to use when recruiting pool professionals
To mitigate this ignorance of the sector, the FPP has compiled a guide to pool trades the main headings of which we list below.
1. The pool business is very diverse
The pool sector has a wide range of very different companies needing a wide range of skills - a wealth of trades and profiles and a versatility of missions far from routine.
2. The pool sector has a bright future
The market for pools is very dynamic as are recruitment needs for pool professionals. This means that career prospects are good. For example, 2020 was a big year for private pools worldwide!
3. Vocational training “hands-on”
Training in pool trades is continuous (regulations and standards which evolve, acquisition of new skills with high-tech tools, energy transition, etc.). After 3 years experience in the swimming pool field, French pool builders can obtain a Professional Proficiency Diploma. An important argument for attracting candidates wanting to change their career direction!
4. The positive image of the sector
Pools are wellbeing products which improve the quality of life and contribute to family happiness. Their image positively impacts the people who work on them.
5. Customer contacts and relations
Customers are fully invested in their personal pool projects, because pleasure purchases motivate their implication. They will be attentive to and always in contact with the builders. Happy pool customers are a great source of satisfaction!
6. The joy of working out of doors
For new buildings or refurbishing works, most pool building work takes place out of doors.
7. Creativity
Traditional pools in masonry, tiling, liners or reinforced membrane and polyester shells, buried, above ground or timber pools, the materials used are many and varied. The choice of pool, its design, its color and its decoration leaves free rein to the imagination.
Should pool job offers specify pay?
“Over half of all pool companies do not indicate pay in their job offers as they don’t want their competitors to find out how much their people earn. To attract candidates, it is nevertheless essential to talk earnings,” Grégory GERARD insists.
This information is all the more important as the pool sector counts on the reconversion of experienced and qualified professionals who have worked in related sectors like construction. Often well set up, with a mortgage and a family, converts are less likely to answer job ads if pay is not mentioned or is considered insufficient.
Do you want to develop your pool company and increase your chances of finding the right person? Come to Piscine Global Europe 2022, the benchmark event for sector professionals to resolve your recruitment problems.
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